压力容器设计软件Intergraph PV Elite 2018 v20.0安装破解教程
Intergraph PV Elite 2018 v20.0
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SP0593 98640033686 百度网盘 1G
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压力容器设计软件Intergraph PV Elite 2018 v20.0安装破解教程

附:压力容器设计软件Intergraph PV Elite 2018 v20.0英文破解版Crack下载地址:



1,打开install\SPLM文件夹,点击setup.exe安装SPLM,点击Display(电脑需要提前安装好PDF阅读器),然后选择国家,继续选择License Machine选项,完成后运行C:\Win32App\INGR\SPLM\Bin里的'GenMachineGUI.exe'(也可从开始菜单里运行),输入任意文件名,如:pop5886,生成Machine ID的文本文件。

2,关闭杀毒软件和防火墙,打开Crack文件夹,右键以管理员身份运行SPLM 2012 License Generator.exe,在最上面输入框粘贴第一步生成的Machine ID,在Service Life输入框里输入:735 选择下面的PV Elite产品,双击seats后面输入框输入:100 按下回车键,点击Generate,生成许可文件并保存到电脑。

3,依次点击开始---所有程序---Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager-----SmartPlant License Manager, 选择'Install and remove' 选项,点击Select,然后选择'Install License Key' ,点击Select把第4步复制的许可文件粘贴到里面,点击Ok,弹出窗口后点击Save保存即可。

4,依次点击开始---所有程序---Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager-----SmartPlant License Manager, 选择'Configure and test -> 点击Select  选择License Machine for Client,点击Select 在'License machine'里输入自己的计算机名,如:PC--20131224FXJ  右键点击我的电脑属性里即可查到自己电脑的名称,点击Ok,弹出对话框后点击Save保存。

5,依次点击开始---所有程序---Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager-----SmartPlant License Manager,选择'Display ->点击Select 选择Show key status'点击Select,弹出窗口点击Save保存.

6,打开install\PVElite\PVElite (Repack)文件夹,点击PV Elite 2018.msi 安装PV Elite软件,提示许可类型时,选择最下面一个,即:SPLM License 完成后,重启电脑即可完美无限制永久使用了提示更新,选择Never从不更新即可。


Intergraph PV Elite 2018 v20.
- You will need Adobe PDF reader on machine before start installation
- Works only with SPLM 2012

Install and configure SPLM
- Go to the SPLM 2012 directory, and then the install_splm directory and run setup.exe to install SPLM.
  Select the SmartPlant License Manager option. When prompted choose "License Machine" option.
- After SPLM is install go to the installation directory "C:\Win32App\INGR\SPLM\Bin" and Run 'Generate Machine ID' (GenMachineGUI.exe),
  and enter output file name to generate ID to the text file (example splmkey.txt"). File is written the same directory as GenMachineGui.exe.
- Run as administrator "SPLM 2012 License Generator.exe". When window appears paste MachineID in top window generated from previous step. 

- Enter Service  = 735 and find product (like CAESAR II) on list and add seats (example 100)

- Select Generate Key and copy to Notepad and save

- Start SPLM (license.exe), select 'Install and Remove' option, choose 'Install License Key' option and paste copied license (Step 7) in the field 'License key', press OK.
  Message will return 'License key was successfully installed'. If you get error that license is not within expiray period - license will be valid in next day.

- Run License.exe again and in the root menu of the SPLM select option 'Configure and test -> Select License Machine for Client',
  enter your PC Name (get this by opening a commnad prompt and typeing 'hostname') in the field 'License machine', press OK.
- In the license.exe root menu select option 'Display ->Show key status' should show key type, number of seats, and expiration date.keys.
- Install Intergraph prodoct and Select License type 'SPLM License'