Excel统计分析插件XLSTAT Premium 2018.1 Win64安装破解教程
XLSTAT Premium 2018.1.49320 Win64
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SP0584 398640033714 百度网盘 1G
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Excel统计分析插件XLSTAT Premium 2018.1 Win64安装破解教程.

Excel统计分析插件XLSTAT Premium 2018.1.49320 Win64 破解版Crack下载地址:
Excel统计分析插件XLSTAT Premium 2018.1


2,关闭杀毒软件和防火墙,解压打开Crack文件夹,将里面文件全部复制粘贴到软件安装目录,如:C:\Program Files\Addinsoft\XLSTAT 选择复制和替换,提示完成即可。

3,运行Microsoft Office,打开插件即可完美无限制永久使用了。

注意:此版本2018.1仅支持Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016 64位版本,必须开启加载宏功能。

本教程由奇翼资源网 www.olodytt.com 荣誉出品!
Installation instructions:
1. Unzip the file and click xlstat. Exe to install the software.
2, close the anti-virus software and firewall, unzip Crack folder, open the Crack folder, copy and paste all the Files inside the software installation directory, such as: C:\Program Files\Addinsoft\XLSTAT select copy and replace, prompt to complete.
3, run Microsoft Office, open the plug-in can be perfect unlimited permanent use.
Note: this version of 2018.1 only supports Microsoft Office version 2010/2013/2016 64-bit version, must turn on the loading macro function.
This course is made by www.olodytt.com.