自动化仿真软件软件排名之COMSOL Multiphysics破解版
COMSOL Multiphysics
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 COMSOL Multiphysics 5.5中文授权版是一款功能强大的基于物理场,借助数值仿真理解、预测和优化工程设计软件,可用于建模和模拟任何基于物理的系统的软件环境,是全球通用的基于高级数值方法和模拟物理场问题的通用软件。 使用旨在为用户提供完善的多物理场仿真建模功能,也可以将模型封装为仿真 App ,提供给设计、制造、实验测试以及其他合作团队使用。功能非常的齐全,借助于软件,你可以轻松对真实世界的产品和过程进行优化,快速进行适合众多工程领域的建模操作,并且为用户提供精确的多物理场建模结果,软件拥有统一的建模工作流程,支持几何建模与 CAD,基于物理场建模和基于方程建模,除此之外,还拥有、网格划分、研究和优化、求解器、可视化和后处理、仿真 App等相关功能,轻松实现各个环节的流畅进行,它能够解释耦合或多物理现象。 附加产品扩展了电气,机械,流体流动和化学应用的仿真平台。 接口工具使COMSOL Multiphysics仿真与CAE市场上的所有主要技术计算和CAD工具相集成。

PS:本次为大家带来了最新版COMSOL Multiphysics 5.5中文授权版下载地址,包含有效许可证文件+安装教程,欢迎有需要此款工具的朋友前来下载使用。



COMSOLMultiphysics®是一种通用软件平台,基于先进的数值方法,用于建模和模拟基于物理的问题。使用COMSOL Multiphysics,您将能够解释耦合或多物理现象。有超过30种附加产品可供选择,您可以使用专用物理接口和工具进一步扩展仿真平台,用于电气,机械,流体流动和化学应用。其他接口产品将您的COMSOL Multiphysics仿真与技术计算,CAD和ECAD软件连接起来。

使用COMSOL Multiphysics,您可以轻松地将一种物理类型的传统模型扩展为多物理场模型,同时解决耦合物理现象。更重要的是,获得这种力量并不需要深入了解数学或数值分析。

Comsol Multiphysics 5.5破解安装教程



Comsol Multiphysics 5.5破解版

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Comsol Multiphysics 5.5破解版



Comsol Multiphysics 5.5破解版


Comsol Multiphysics 5.4.0破解版

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Comsol Multiphysics 5.4.0破解版


PS:本破解来自SSQ破解团队,如果你要安装COMSOL Server,请参照内附SSQ破解说明自行研究安装

Comsol Multiphysics 5.4.0破解版

SSQ破解说明 for Windows

1.将COMSOL DVD安装到虚拟DVD驱动器中,并使用setup.exe开始安装

2.选择“ _SolidSQUAD_ \ LMCOMSOL_Multiphysics_SSQ.lic”以安装COMSOL Multiphysics
    - 要么 -
    选择“ _SolidSQUAD_ \ LMCOMSOL_Server_SSQ.lic”以安装COMSOL Server


4.(可选)如果要安装COMSOL Server,请取消选中“创建管理用户”和TICK
    “ Windows身份验证”!

    4.1以管理员身份从“ server_install_workaround”运行“ COMSOL_Server_Workaround.bat”


5.(可选)如果安装COMSOL Server,请在安装完成后打开
    在Web浏览器中使用“ http:// localhost:2036”,并使用Windows帐户名和密码登录


COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.5 版本主要新增功能

COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.5 版本新增了草图绘制工具,用于在二维平面和三维空间中的二维工作平面上绘制草图,在“设计模块”中添加了尺寸和约束功能,并引入了两个新模块。“金属加工模块”可用于模拟钢淬火等金属相转变,“多孔介质流模块”可用于模拟多孔介质中的质量、动量和能量传递。本页面汇总了 COMSOL® 软件 5.5 版本的主要新增功能,欢迎浏览左侧菜单,进一步了解新版本中与核心建模功能,以及特定专业模块相关的详细更新信息。

想要立即更新 COMSOL Multiphysics® 吗?请单击下载 5.5 版本 按钮,网页将自动跳转到产品下载页面。如果您已注册 COMSOL Access 帐户并将其与您的许可证相关联,您只需登录并遵循屏幕上的产品下载和安装说明,即可轻松下载最新版 COMSOL® 软件。





新增多个工具用于编辑增材制造、3D 打印和 3D 扫描格式

支持 PLY 和 3MF 导入导出


用于选择框、取消选择框和缩放框的保持启用 选项





支持直接将图像导出至 PowerPoint®


COMSOL Compiler™ 支持生成最节省空间的可独立运行的仿真 App


新产品: 多孔介质流模块

新产品: 金属加工模块



非等温大涡模拟 (LES)







新的洛伦兹力 特征

用于印刷电路板仿真的直接 TEM 和过孔型端口

混合模式 S 参数

新的比吸收率 (SAR) 计算特征






计算空间相关问题中的电子能量分布函数 (EEDF)

新增电晕放电 接口用于模拟静电除尘器

新增电击穿检测 接口,用于预测是否会发生电击穿




新的 管力学 接口

支持压电和介电壳与“AC/DC 模块”结合使用


非等温流-固耦合 (FSI)





新增光滑映射功能,支持在气动声学中使用 CFD 结果


从热力学数据库生成材料和 化学 接口

化学 接口中的电化学反应


用于集总电池仿真的预定义 短路 特征







流体流动颗粒跟踪 的内置力得到扩展,包括虚拟质量力和压力梯度力

某些粒子追踪模型的计算时间缩短 50% 以上

CAD 导入模块、设计模块和 CAD LiveLink™ 产品



新增 删除孔 特征去除操作

支持导出为 IGES 和 STEP 格式

Major News in COMSOL Multiphysics Version 5.5

General Updates
- New sketching tools for easier creation of 2D drawings
- Dimensions and constraints for drawings with the Design Module
- Safe placement of higher-order nodes for meshing
- New tools for editing additive manufacturing, 3D printing, and 3D scanning formats
- PLY and 3MF import and export
- Context menu in the Graphics window
- Keep enabled option for select box, deselect box, and zoom box
- Customize the Graphics toolbar
- Performance improvements for cluster computing
- Custom gradient between two colors in plots
- Animation of points and arrows for streamline plots
- Export images directly to PowerPoint®
- Create your own add-ins for customizing the Model Builder workflow
- Minimum-sized standalone application files with COMSOL Compiler™
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- New product: Porous Media Flow Module
- New product: Metal Processing Module
- Lumped thermal systems circuit equivalents
- Multiple spectral bands in radiation in participating media
- Nonisothermal large eddy simulation (LES)
- Compressible Euler flow
- Bubbly flow, Euler–Euler, level set, and phase field models for flow in rotating machinery
- Viscoelastic flow
- Arbitrary number of dispersed phases
- Piezoelectric and dielectric shells
- New Lorentz Force feature
- Direct TEM and via ports for printed circuit board simulations
- Mixed-mode S-parameters
- New specific absorption rate (SAR) calculation feature
- Matched and scattering boundary conditions for Gaussian beams
- Evanescent Gaussian background fields
- Periodic port variables for polarization determination
- Full-wave electromagnetics to ray optics coupling
- Automatic spot diagram calculation
- Compute the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in space-dependent problems
- Corona Discharge interface for modeling of electrostatic precipitators
- Electrical Breakdown Detection interface to predict whether electrical breakdown will occur
Structural Mechanics and Acoustics
- Mechanical contact for shells, composites, and membranes
- Plasticity and other nonlinear material models for shells and composites
- New Pipe Mechanics interface
- Piezoelectric and dielectric shells with the AC/DC Module
- Random vibration analysis
- Nonisothermal fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
- Fast linear elastic wave analysis with structure-fluid coupling
- Ports for thermoviscous acoustics analysis
- 3D-to-1D pipe acoustics coupling
- Structural-acoustics interactions for composite shells
- Smooth mapping for using CFD results in aeroacoustics
- Generate materials and Chemistry interfaces from the thermodynamics database
- Electrochemical reactions in the Chemistry interface
- Current distribution in pipes
- Predefined Short Circuit feature for lumped battery simulations
- Built-in tools for shape optimization
- Shape optimization on shells
- Smoothed geometry models from topology optimization results
- Confidence intervals for parameter estimation
Particle Tracing
- Extensions to built-in forces for Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow, including virtual mass and pressure gradient forces
- Computation time reduced by more than 50% for some particle tracing models
CAD Import Module, Design Module, and LiveLink Products for CAD
- Associative geometry import
- Selections from materials, layers, and colors
- Delete holes defeaturing operation
- Export to IGES and STEP
Version - Date: June 4, 2019

All COMSOL software products undergo stability improvements that are introduced as updates. The following list contains the most important improvements in COMSOL version 5.4 update 3.

COMSOL Multiphysics
- External materials no longer trigger multiple license key checkouts.
- Increased the robustness of COMSOL Client over WAN connections.
- Fixed a potential deadlock when connecting to a server using the COMSOL API or LiveLink for MATLAB.
- The page layout settings (such as page size, margins, orientation, and columns) of a specified custom Microsoft Word template file are now used when writing reports in Microsoft Word format.
- Fixed a bug that prevented writing a report from method code to a file specified in a file browser dialog box when using the default security settings.
- Fixed a problem where the MUMPS solver might crash or hang during cluster simulations.
- Fixed a layout issue with the COMSOL Server footer in Chrome 72+.
Composite Materials Module
- Fixed an issue in the Layered Shell interface, where the total thickness (lshell.d) would be erroneously computed if the layers on a certain boundary were not all selected in the same Linear Elastic Material node.
Heat Transfer Module
- Removed erroneous mesh suggestions generated by the Continuity feature for shells.
MEMS Module
- Corrected the equation display for the Heaviside step function.
Particle Tracing Module
- Fixed some inconsistency in the assignment of units for the Auxiliary Dependent Variable feature.
- The variable for "Total number of particles released by feature" now gives the correct solution in models that also have secondary particle emission.
- Two or more instances of Magnetophoretic Force are now allowed to be applied to different species in the same model.
Structural Mechanics Module
- Corrected an error occurring when the values of the total reaction force variables were wrong if a load was applied on a Rigid Connector in which the soft formulation had been selected.
- Corrected an error occurring when the Activation feature was combined with geometric nonlinearity in a 2D axisymmetric model.

Version - Date: April 2, 2019

All COMSOL software products undergo stability improvements that are introduced as updates. The following list contains the most important improvements in COMSOL version 5.4 update 3.

COMSOL Multiphysics
- Fixed an issue causing the settings for subnodes of PDE interfaces to not be included in reports when requested.
- Added support for adaptation in the Stationary Source Sweep study.
- COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4 is the last COMSOL version to support the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
- Made various stability and performance improvements.
- Added support for filtering and sorting to COMSOL Client for Android.
AC/DC Module
- The Electric Currents, Single Layer Shell interface is now visible in the AC/DC section of the Model Wizard, making it easier to find when creating new models.
- Made stability improvements for the computation of contact impedance losses in the frequency domain.
- Improved magnetic coenergy density support.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
- Corrected the Thermodynamics density function for the Ideal gas model. The derivatives with respect to the species mass fractions are now correctly evaluated.
- A new setting to control the convection is introduced in flux boundary conditions for mass transport. This setting is used to ensure backward compatibility for models created in previous versions.
ECAD Import Module
- Fixed an issue that prevented ODB++ files with several steps to import correctly.
Fatigue Module
- The use of auxiliary sweeps in fatigue computations has been improved.
- Critical plane evaluations in the Fatigue Module are now more robust for cases where all stress or strain states are close to proportional to each other. Previously, the predicted fatigue life could be overly conservative in such situations.
Heat Transfer Module
- Fixed contribution of Equilibrium Discharge Heat Source, Electromagnetic Heating, Electrochemical Heating, Ray Heating, and Geothermal Heating features to the residual variable.
- Improved performance of models that use the Surface-to-Surface Radiation interface.
- Surface-to-surface radiation: Corrected diffuse irradiance contribution for models with multiple spectral bands.
- Fixed the override of layered material definitions in Porous Medium features in the Heat Transfer in Shells interface.
- Added support for thermal conductivity tensor definitions when using a moving frame combined with user-defined coordinate systems.
- Fixed Ambient Settings description in automatic report generation.
- Fixed continuity condition for relative humidity on pairs in the Moisture Transport interface.
LiveLink for PTC Creo Parametric
- Fixed an issue where selections defined in components sometimes would not be loaded into the assembly.
Particle Tracing Module
- Fixed a bug where the Thermal Re-Emission boundary condition and the Inlet with the Thermal velocity distribution did not initialize an out-of-plane particle velocity.
- Fixed an error when two or more Accumulator features are used to compute a vector quantity, such as volume force or current density, on different domains.
- Allowed the Thermal Re-Emission boundary condition and the Thermal velocity distribution to use a Common Model Input for surface temperature or couple the surface temperature to a field variable previously solved for.
- Corrected an error when the Thermal Re-Emission boundary condition was used together with the Accumulator subnode.
Ray Optics Module
- Fixed an error in the Grating feature when Compute Power is selected from the physics interface's Intensity Computation list.
Semiconductor Module
- Fixed an issue with the time derivative weak term for the quasi-Fermi level formulation.
- Fixed missing safeguard for square root of negative number for the variable g_red0, which is used in the Kane 4-band model for the matrix element computation in the Optical Transitions feature.
Structural Mechanics Module
- Corrected an error in the Plate interface where it was not possible to enter initial values for all degrees of freedom from the user interface.
- Corrected a problem where the Augment for rigid response check box in the settings for a response spectrum dataset was not responsive.
Subsurface Flow Module
- Corrected a problem in the 1D Darcy's Law interface when changing the cross-sectional area to something other than 1 m

About Comsol Multiphysics 5.4. Its the latest release of its integrated environment for creating physics-based models and simulation applications. Version 5.4 marks the debut of the COMSOL Compiler for creating standalone COMSOL Multiphysics applications. Also new is the Composite Materials module for modeling layered materials.

The new COMSOL Compiler enables simulation specialists to create and distribute standalone executable COMSOL Multiphysics applications. The company explains that neither COMSOL Multiphysics nor a COMSOL Server license are required to run a compiled application. Developers can distribute applications with no further license fees.

The new Composite Materials module provides a dedicated set of modeling tools for working with layered materials. The company adds that by combining the Composite Materials module with new functionality for layered shells available in the COMSOL Heat Transfer and AC/DC modules, users can perform multiphysics analysis such as Joule heating with thermal expansion.

COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.4 also introduces numerous productivity improvements such as the ability to use multiple parameter sets in a model, including parametric sweeping over multiple parameter sets. Users can now also organize Model Builder nodes into groups and assign custom coloring schemes to geometry models. Among the various performance improvements is an updated memory allocation scheme that, the company says, gives several times faster computations in the Windows 7 and 10 operating systems for workstations with more than eight processor cores.

The AC/DC module features a new part library with fully parametric and ready-to-use coils and magnetic cores. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) module sees added functionality for large eddy simulations (LES) and, according to the company, significantly updated modeling tools for multiphase flow. Fluid flows also see functionality that enable fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for multiphase flow and multibody dynamics.

Electromagnetics enhancements include structural-thermal-optical-performance (STOP) analysis for ray optics. Structural simulations now provide shock response spectrum analyses and offer material activation for additive manufacturing. The Acoustics module sees acoustic ports and a new nonlinear acoustics Westervelt model.

Other version 5.4 highlights include a new topology optimization tool, new lumped models for batteries as well as an updated thermodynamics interface. Heat transfers now features heat radiation with diffuse-specular reflections and semi-transparent surfaces as well as a light-diffusion equation.

In this video, we show you how to model a dipole antenna in the COMSOL Multiphysics software. After watching this video, you will have a solid foundation for creating models of more complex antenna geometries, as the process for building different antenna models is essentially the same.
About COMSOL Inc. COMSOL is a global provider of simulation software for product design and research to technical enterprises, research labs, and universities. Its COMSOL Multiphysics product is an integrated software environment for creating physics-based models and simulation applications. A particular strength is its ability to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. Add-on products expand the simulation platform for electromagnetics, structural, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical applications. Interfacing tools enable the integration of COMSOL Multiphysics simulations with all major technical computing and CAD tools on the CAE market. Simulation experts rely on COMSOL Server to deploy applications to their design teams, manufacturing departments, test laboratories, and customers throughout the world. Founded in 1986, COMSOL has 19 offices worldwide and extends its reach with a network of distributors.
