犀牛软件鞋模插件在哪里下载?RhinoShoe 2.0英文版安装包
RhinoShoe 2.0
价      格:¥ 30.00
产品编号 产品ID 储存地址 容量大小
IIRJ01052 8640033890 百度网盘 1G
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 犀牛软件鞋模插件RhinoShoe 2.0英文版 – 新版本发布。

RhinoShoe 2.0

RhinoShoe 2.0 新发布,此Rhino 5插件,专门为修正鞋子的比例及花样而设计,其中包括:

· Scale3D: 修正了一些导致随机当机的错误。

· Scale2D: 修正了offset的时候导致圆形会变形的错误。

· 现在可以接受所有鞋底的尺寸。

· 可以加入无法修改比例的物件

· Windows 8.1 用户可使用。

· 不再使用open curves,点(points)的错误修正。

· 语言的修正


TDM Solutions RhinoShoe

We are pleased to announce a new version of RhinoShoe 2.0. RhinoShoe is a shoe plug-in for Rhinoceros 5.0. With this new utility we have advanced tools for scaling and correcting shoes and patterns, allowing for use in accordance with international patterns and with the possibility to define our own patterns.

It offers advanced tools such as raster to vector, developing 3D curves on the plane, variable offset for correcting patterns, textures 3D, etc. Extremely easy and intuitive, without having to sacrifice the power and versatility of the tools.
