天宝TBC测量软件Trimble Business Center 5.0 Win64中文版
Trimble Business Center 5.0
价      格:¥ 300.00
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IIRJ0968 98640033806 百度网盘 4G
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 Trimble Business Center 5.0破解版专为现代测量公司而设计,提供大量联合处理大地测量数据的机会,可以直接从卫星接收器和控制器以及速度计和数字水平仪导入。强大的可视化和仿真工具提供了高度的多功能性和无与伦比的计算能力。尽管有许多创新和独特的功能,但该程序非常易于使用。


Trimble Business Center v5.00具有许多其他新功能,例如自动特征提取,由TrimbleeCognition®软件提供支持,大大缩短了从点云数据中提取树木,柱子和标志等功能的时间。


  • 新的多切片工具与切割平面工作流程相结合,允许您沿线性几何体间隔从点云快速提取横截面。这将有助于您通过走廊重新设计和维护报告节省时间。
  • 对于Trimble MX9等移动测绘系统,测量和施工专业人员现在可以在单一软件环境中轻松集成这些多传感器数据类型,简化其工作流程并提高生产率。
  • 新的Trimble宏语言(TML)允许测量和施工专业人员定制数据计算并添加新的CAD和GIS工作流程以满足特定的本地要求。通过扩展开箱即用的软件功能,客户可以进一步提高运营效率,缩短创建客户交付物的时间。
  • 数据集成——TBC 5.00支持从Trimble Mx9移动测绘系统及Trimble TX6和TX8 3D大地扫描器导入的移动测绘数据和大地扫描数据。此外,可以合并来自Delai r UAS系统的高质量飞行数据和其他传感器数据,快速创建清晰的正射拼图和高 精度表面模型。测量和施工专业人员现在可以把这些类型的多传感器数据轻松 集成在一个软件环境下,从而简化工作流程并提高生产力。
  • 增强了点云最终数据——TBC 5.00新增了多种智能化工具,可以根据丰富的3D点云创建CAD最终数据、GIS最 终数据、通道检查报告和隧道竣工分析。Trimble eCognition支持自动要素提取,大大缩短了在点云数据中提取树木、灯杆和标 志等要素的时间。用户可以利用新增的多切片功能和切面工具,沿线性几何按 一定间隔在点云中快速提取横截面,大大简化通道重新设计和维护报告。
  • 可定制软件平台——测量和施工专业人员可以利用新增的Trimble宏语言(TML)定制数据计算,并根 据当地的特定要求增加新的CAD工作流程和GIS工作流程。扩展了现有软件功能 ,客户可以大幅提高作业效率,从而缩短给客户创建最终数据所需的时间。
  • 天宝TBC测量软件

Trimble Business Center v5.00 has a number of other new features, such as automatic feature extraction, by TrimbleeCognition ® software support, greatly reducing the extracted from point cloud data trees, pillars and signs, and other functions of time.

New multi-slice tools combine with cutting plane workflows to allow you to quickly extract cross sections from point clouds along geometric intervals. This will help you save time with corridor redesign and maintenance reports.

For mobile surveying and mapping systems such as Trimble MX9, surveying and construction professionals can now easily integrate these multi-sensor data types in a single software environment, simplifying their workflow and increasing productivity.

The new Trimble macro language (TML) allows surveying and construction professionals to customize data calculations and add new CAD and GIS workflows to meet specific local requirements. By extending out-of-the-box software capabilities, customers can further improve operational efficiency and reduce the time it takes to create customer deliverables.

Data integration - TBC 5.00 supports mobile mapping data and ground scanning data imported from Trimble Mx9 mobile mapping system and Trimble TX6 and TX8 3D earth scanner. In addition, high-quality flight data and other sensor data from the Delai r-uas system can be combined to quickly create clear orthographic puzzles and high-precision surface models. Measurement and construction professionals can now easily integrate these types of multi-sensor data into a single software environment, simplifying workflow and increasing productivity.

Enhanced point cloud final data -- TBC 5.00 has added a variety of intelligent tools that can create CAD final data, GIS final data, channel inspection report and tunnel completion analysis based on rich 3D point cloud. Trimble refused eCognition support elements extracted automatically, which greatly shortens the point cloud data to extract the trees, light pole and standard elements such as time. Users can take advantage of the new multi-slice features and cutting tools to quickly extract cross sections at regular intervals in the point cloud, greatly simplifying channel redesign and maintenance reporting.

Customizable software platform - measurement and construction professionals can use the added Trimble macro language (TML) to customize data calculations and add new CAD workflows and GIS workflows based on specific local requirements. By extending existing software capabilities, customers can dramatically increase operational efficiency, thereby reducing the time required to create final data for customers.

