影视后期特效合成软件Fusion Studio 9.0.2破解版下载
Blackmagic Fusion Studio 9.0.2
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0947 98640033786 百度网盘 1G
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 影视后期特效合成软件Fusion Studio 9.0.2破解版下载

Fusion 9全新功能! 新一代VR工具,呈献给新一代艺术家! Fusion 9较上一代有了巨大提升,专门针对最新的虚拟现实、视觉特效、动态图形和3D工作流程设计了一系列功能!全新的VR工具集是虚拟现实项目不可缺少的得力助手,而最新的摄影机和平面跟踪功能让您准确跟踪和合成拍摄对象,于此同时保持视角和摄影机运动。Fusion 9还配有Delta键控,自带高级图像技术,使其成为全球最先进的键控之一。此外,您还将获得包含全新多用户协作工具的Studio Player,用于跟踪和管理镜头,并且自带版本历史、注释备注等信息!

影视后期特效合成软件Fusion Studio 9.0.2破解版下载

Fusion 9 new features! A new generation of VR tools, presented to a new generation of artists! Fusion 9 is a big step up from the previous generation, with features designed specifically for the latest virtual reality, visual effects, dynamic graphics, and 3D workflow. The new VR toolset is indispensable for VR projects, and the latest camera and plane tracking capabilities allow you to accurately track and synthesize your subjects while maintaining perspective and camera motion. Fusion 9 also comes with Delta keying and advanced graphics technology, making it one of the most advanced keying technologies in the world. In addition, you'll get Studio Player, which includes new multi-user collaboration tools for tracking and managing shots, and comes with version history, notes, and more!
