地下水模拟仿真分析软件Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim2018.1.0925破解版下载
IIRJ0938Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim2018.1.0925
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IIRJ0938 98640033777 百度网盘 1G
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 Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim 2018破解版是TOUGH系列代码的交互式预处理器和后处理器。 它可以帮助用户快速开发模型并查看这些通用模拟器的结果,这些模拟器模拟多孔和裂缝介质中多组分多相流体的非等温流动。 T2VOC和TMVOC模拟器包括水,空气和挥发性有机化学品的三相流。 TOUGH2MP是TOUGH2的多处理器/多核版本。 TOUGHREACT模拟器增加了化学反应。 TOUGH-Fx / HYDRATE模拟器具有代表甲烷水合物的能力。


Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim 2018功能特性

  • 3D模型创作——PetraSim支持完全交互式3D模型创建。用户可以导入现有的3D图层数据并使用它来定义模型几何图形。用户可以为图层指定材料属性,并通过模型定义井。
  • 网格生成——PetraSim支持多种网格选项。最基本的是矩形网格,其中为单元格根据它们所在的区域分配属性。该网格提供最可靠的收敛特性。如果希望网格符合各层,则可以使用矩形或符合Voronoi的网格来实现。图像显示符合Voronoi的网格,隐藏中间层以显示模型的内部。
  • Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim
  • 支持TOUGH EOS选项——已经为许多不同的状态方程(EOS)开发了TOUGH代码。每个状态方程描述了一组不同的组件。例如,EOS3描述了水和空气,它们可以存在于单相或两相条件下,可用于地下水或地热应用。 EOS7C包括甲烷 – 二氧化碳或甲烷 – 氮气混合物。应用包括地下地质碳封存点和天然气储层。模拟的组件包括水,盐水,不可冷凝的气体(CO2或N2),气体示踪剂,甲烷和热量。所有EOS模块可执行文件都经过优化并集成到PetraSim中,因此无需进一步编译。用户只需单击并运行即可。如果您开发了TOUGH的修改变体,则还提供支持以预处理和后处理这些结果。
  • 综合结果可视化——用户可以立即查看结果。 PetraSim包括时间历史和3D等值面,矢量和等高线图。数据可以导出到电子表格或以适合图形软件(如TECPLOT)的简单格式导出。
  • 有用的输入可视化——所有输入的组织方式使用户能够理解输入值是什么以及将在何处使用。例如,当指定相对渗透率输入时,给出方程并显示渗透率曲线的动态预览。
  • 破解版下载
  • Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim 2018 is an interactive preprocessor and post-processor of a TOUGH series of code. It helps users quickly develop models and view the results of these general-purpose simulators that simulate nonisothermal flows of multicomponent, multiphase fluids in porous and fractured media. T2VOC and TMVOC simulators include a three-phase flow of water, air and volatile organic chemicals. TOUGH2MP is the multi-processor/multi-core version of TOUGH2. TOUGHREACT simulator adds chemical reactions. TOUGH Fx/HYDRATE simulators have the ability to represent methane hydrates.
    Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim 2018 functional characteristics
    Create a 3D model -- PetraSim supports a completely interactive 3D model creation. Users can import existing 3D layer data and use it to define model geometry. Users can specify material properties for layers and define Wells through models.
    Grid creation -- next PetraSim supports a variety of grid options. The most basic is the rectangular grid, where cells are assigned attributes based on their region. The mesh provides the most reliable convergence characteristics. If you want the grid to conform to the layers, you can do this using rectangles or voronoi-compliant grids. The image displays Voronoi compliant grids, hiding the middle layer to show the interior of the model.
  • 破解版
    TOUGH EOS options are supported -- TOUGH code has been developed for many different equations of state (EOS). Each equation of state describes a different set of components. For example, EOS3 describes water and air that can exist in a single or two-phase environment and can be used for groundwater or geothermal applications. EOS7C includes methane-carbon dioxide or methane-nitrogen mixtures. Applications include underground geologic carbon sequestration points and natural gas reservoirs. Simulation components include water, brine, non-condensable gases (CO2 or N2), gas tracers, methane, and heat. All the EOS module executables are optimized and integrated into your PetraSim, so you don't have to compile a next step. The user simply clicks and runs. If you develop TOUGH modification variants, support is also provided to preprocess and post-process these results.
    Integrated results visualization - users can view the results immediately. Next PetraSim consists of a history of time and a 3D image of an isosurface, a vector, and a contour map. The data can be exported to a spreadsheet or in a simple format suitable for graphical software such as TECPLOT.
    Useful input visualization -- all input is organized in such a way that users can understand what the input values are and where they will be used. For example, when relative permeability input is specified, the equation is given and a dynamic preview of the permeability curve is displayed.