科学计算软件Mathematica 11.0破解版下载
IIRJ0927Mathematica 11.0 Win
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0927 98640033766 百度网盘 1G
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超过 500 种的新函数,大幅拓宽了全新和既存领域的覆盖范围



全新的神经网络框架使用户可以利用 GPU 加速的深度学习平台


对Wolfram Cloud、网页操作和数据存储进行了众多扩展和改进






用于云端、桌面和嵌入系统间异步通信的实验性 Wolfram信道框架

全新的WolframScript命令行诠释器使您可以随心所欲,无论是从本地还是从云端,在任何地方都可执行 Wolfram 语言代码





更快、更灵活地访问不断增长的 Wolfram Knowledgebase,包括对任意数据集的支持



Sin[x],Cos[x],Tan[x],Cot[x],Sec[x],Csc[x] 三角函数,其引数的单位为弧度

Sinh[x],Cosh[x],Tanh[x],… 双曲函数

ArcSin[x],ArcCos[x],ArcTan[x] 反三角函数


ArcSinh[x],ArcCosh[x],ArcTanh[x],… 反双曲函数

Sqrt[x] 根号

Exp[x] 指数

Log[x] 自然对数

Log[a,x] 以a为底的对数

Abs[x] 绝对值

Round[x] 最接近x的整数

Floor[x] 小于或等于x的最大整数

Ceiling[x] 大于或等于x的最小整数

Mod[a,b] a/b所得的余数

n! 阶乘

Random[] 0至1之间的随机数(最新版本已经不用这个函数,改为使用RandomReal[])


Max[a,b,c,...],Min[a,b,c,…] a,b,c,…的极大/极小值

Mathematica is a scientific computing software that combines numerical and symbolic computing engines, graphics systems, programming languages, text systems, and advanced connectivity to other applications. Many functions in the corresponding fields in the world's leading position, it is also one of the most widely used mathematical software. Mathematica marks the beginning of modern computing. Mathematica is the most powerful general-purpose computing system in the world. Since its release in 1988, it has had a profound impact on how computers are used in technology and other fields.

Mathematica11 is the Mathematica11

More than 500 new functions, greatly expanding the coverage of new and existing fields

Generate and import 3d models with algorithms, and directly print the models with local or cloud 3d printers

Music and voice processing provides a new computational audio synthesis, processing and analysis functions

The new neural network framework enables users to take advantage of gpu-accelerated deep learning platforms

Expanded and enhanced machine learning capabilities, including feature extraction and bayesian optimization

Wolfram Cloud, web operation and data storage have been extended and improved

A number of new visualizations, ranging from statistics to geometry to anatomy, further refine the presentation options

Enhanced the existing industry-leading symbols, numerical and geometric properties and properties

Expanded geography, including new geographic data entities, map backgrounds and projections, and more

New computational photography with additional tools for image and signal processing

New and enhanced support for random matrices, time series, and values in probability and statistics

Experimental Wolfram channel framework for asynchronous communication between cloud, desktop, and embedded systems

The new Wolfram script command-line interpreter allows you to execute Wolfram language code anywhere, either locally or in the cloud

A richer functional programming build is implemented with the support of more powerful list and array processing capabilities

More powerful text and language processing, and increased multilingual support

Use dictionary to check the real-time spelling of technical terms and proper nouns, and support more than 25 languages

Improve code appearance, auto-completion, and error messages to help users improve productivity

Faster and more flexible access to the growing Wolfram Knowledgebase, including support for arbitrary data sets

Mathematica11 is a more commonly used mathematical function

Sin (x), Cos [x], Tan [x], Cot [x], the Sec [x], Csc [x] trigonometric function, the number of its units for arc

Sinh [x], Cosh [x], Tanh [x],... The hyperbolic function

Arcsine of x, arccosine of x, inverse trig function of ArcTan of x

ArcSec ArcCot [x], [x], ArcCsc [x]

ArcCosh ArcSinh [x], [x], ArcTanh [x],... Inverse hyperbolic function

Ronald Sqrt [x]

Exp index [x]

Natural Log of x

Log base a of x

Abs absolute value [x]

Round[x] is the closest integer to x

Floor[x] is the largest integer less than or equal to x

Ceiling[x] is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x

Mod[a,b] remainder of a/b

N! factorial

Random number between 0 and 1 (this function is no longer used in the latest version, but RandomReal[] is used instead)

Max [a, b, c,... , Min [a, b, c,... A, b, c,... The maximum/minimum of
