三维建模软件Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.4.3破解版下载
IIRJ0919Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.4.3
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0919 98640033758 百度网盘 1G
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三维建模软件Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.4.3破解版下载。



        而且Agisoft PhotoScan Professional无需设置初始值,无需相机检校,它根据最新的多视图三维重建技术,可以对任意照片进行处理,无需控制点;也可以通过给予的控制点生成真实坐标的三维模型。照片的拍摄位置是任意的,无论是航摄相片还是高分辨率数码相机拍摄的影像都可以使用。整个工作流程无论是影像定向还是三维模型重建过程都是完全自动化的。


        PhotoScan Pro可生成高分辨率真实坐标的正射影像(使用控制点可达5cm精度)及带有详细彩色纹理的DEM模型。完全自动化的工作流程,即使是非专业人员也可以在一台电脑上处理成百上千张航空影像,生成专业级别的摄影测量数据。

  • 空中三角测量
  • 生成多边形Mesh网模型(普通/彩色纹理)
  • 设置坐标系统
  • 生成真实坐标的数字高程模型(DEM)
  • 生成真实坐标的正射影像


        Agisoft PhotoScan Professional支持输入格式包括:JEPG、TIFF、PNG、BMP、JEPG Multi-Picture Format(MPO),输出格式包括三维建模常见的格式GeoTiff、xyz、Google KML、COLLADA、VRML、Wavefront OBJ、PLY、3DS Max、Universal 3D、PDF。官方售价居然高达$3499,价值如此昂贵的软件到底用于什么行业呢?一般情况下,只有文物保护、地形测量、建筑物三维建模、雕塑等行业才会用到这样的软件,专业性非常高。

三维建模软件Agisoft PhotoScan

The software is introduced
PhotoScanPro is an excellent program that automatically generates high-quality 3d models based on images. Isn't it amazing that software can reconstruct flat images and build 3D models, which is really a sharp tool for 3D modeling requirements?
Agisoft PhotoScan Professional does not need to set the initial value, no need to check the camera, according to the latest multi-view 3d reconstruction technology, it can process any photo, no control point; It is also possible to generate a three-dimensional model of real coordinates by giving control points. The location of the photo is arbitrary, whether aerial or high-resolution digital camera images can be used. The whole workflow, whether it is image orientation or 3d model reconstruction, is completely automated.
PhotoScan Pro can generate high-resolution orthophoto images of real coordinates (up to 5cm accuracy using control points) and DEM models with detailed color texture. Fully automated workflows allow non-professionals to process hundreds or thousands of aerial images on a single computer, generating professional-level photogrammetric data.
Aerial triangulation

Generate polygon Mesh Mesh model (normal/color texture)

Set up coordinate system

Digital elevation model (DEM) generating real coordinates

Generate orthographic images of real coordinates
Agisoft PhotoScan Professional supports input formats including: JEPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, JEPG multi-picture Format(MPO), and output formats including GeoTiff, xyz, Google KML, COLLADA, VRML, Wavefront OBJ, PLY, 3DS Max, Universal 3D, PDF, which are common formats for 3D modeling. With an official price tag of $3,499, what kind of software is so expensive for? In general, such software is only used in the fields of cultural relic protection, topographic survey, three-dimensional modeling of buildings, sculpture, etc., which is highly professional.