石油化工软件Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6破解版安装包下载
IIRJ0918Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6.0
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0918 98640033757 百度网盘 1G
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石油化工软件Invensys SimSci-Esscor PIPEPHASE 9.6破解版安装包下载



PipePhase is a powerful software for accurately simulating steady state multiphase flow in oil and gas pipeline network and pipeline system. In a single well, the software can be simulated from sensitivity analysis of main parameters and widely searched and applied. For a complete field, it can be achieved by years of feasibility study.

PipePhase is a solid and effective tool for design and planning in the petroleum field, with modern production management methods and scientific analysis techniques, which have been verified. In addition, it has a large physical database and accurate thermodynamic calculation method, based on WINDOWS user interface. The software is a necessary tool for multiphase flow simulation of the world's leading oil and gas production companies.

The fluid model provided by PipePhase software includes: single-phase fluid (gas and liquid), mixed components, crude oil, condensate, steam, pure components, etc., covering the most comprehensive fluid mixing system. The software can complete a single steam component or CO2 injection network.