视景仿真软件Vega Prime 2013 Win32破解版下载
IIRJ0898Vega Prime 2013 Win32
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视景仿真软件Vega Prime 2013 Win32破解版下载


VegaPrime 基于VSG(Vega Scene Graph——MPI 公司先进的跨平台场景图形API),底层(OpenGL),同时包括Lynx Prime GUI (用户图形界面)工具,让用户既可以用图形化的工具进行快速配置,又可以用底层场景图形API 来进行应用特定功能的创建。它将先进的功能和良好的易用性结合在一起,帮助用户快速、准确地开发实时三维应用,加速成果的发布。基于工业标准的XML 数据交换格式,能与其它应用领域进行最大程度的数据交换。针对用户特定要求,VegaPrime 还设计了多种功能增强模块,和VegaPrime 结合在一起,更进一步提升了应用开发的效率和适用性。

Vega Prime



不管你用的是什么硬件平台(Windows、Linux 或 IRIX) -你只需要开发一次,就可以(在重新编译后)应用于任何地方、任何所支持的操作环境中。(但要注意:个别模块只支持Windows 平台)


Lynx Prime 是一个可扩展的、跨平台的GUI 配置工具, 它用标准的基于XML 的数据交换格式以提供最大的灵活性,极大地增强了VegaPrime 应用的快速创建、修改和配置。


Vega Prime 具有高度可定制性,它使得用户可以方便地开发适合自己特定目的的应用。可以开发自己的模块,结合自己的代码以及派生自定义的类来优化应用。


VegaPrime 极好地提取了通用的仿真应用功能,使得用户只需要关注自己应用特定的功能(和其他人不一样的功能),从而极大地提高了生产效率。


MetaFlight 是MPI 公司基于XML 的一种数据描述格式。它使得运行系统及数据库应用能够理解数据库组织结构,极大的提升了OpenFlight 文件(仿真三维文件格式标准)的应用范围。VegaPrime 中的LADBM(大面积数据库管理)模块使用MetaFlight来确保海量数据以最高效率、最先进的的方式联系在一起。


VegaPrime 还有很多特性使它成为当今最为先进的商用实时三维应用开发环境,包括虚拟纹理(Virtual Texture)支持、自动异步数据库载入/相交矢量处理、增强的更新滞后控制、直接从Lynx Prime 产生代码、直接支持光点、支持PBuffer、基于OpenAL的声音功能、可扩展的文件载入机制、平面/圆形地球坐标系统支持、星历表模型/环境效果、多种运动模式、路径和领航、平面投射实时阴影、压缩纹理支持、Shader 支持、向导工具等等。

Vega Prime



Windows workstation, 1.0 GHz

1 GB RAM / 4 GB hard disk space

OpenGL 1.2 compliant graphics card

Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 2

Visual C++ 7.1 (。NET)


Onyx3 IR, Onyx2, Octane2, Fuel (SGI® Onyx4 not supported)

1 GB RAM / 4 GB hard disk space

IRIX 6.5

MIPSpro 7.3.1 C++ compiler


Presagis公司在2011年10月发布了最新的5.0版本的VegaPrime,Lyra 和 Sensor Products.

Presagis公司在2013年发布了最新的vega prime 2013.


VegaPrime profile

VegaPrime is based on VSG (Vega Scene Graph -- MPI's advanced cross-platform Scene Graph API), the underlying (OpenGL), and includes Lynx Prime GUI (user graphical interface) tools. It enables users to quickly configure with graphical tools and create specific application functions with the underlying Scene Graph API. It combines advanced functions with good usability to help users quickly and accurately develop real-time three-dimensional applications and accelerate the release of results. XML data interchange format based on industry standard can exchange data with other application fields to the greatest extent.

According to the specific requirements of users, VegaPrime has also designed a variety of functional enhancement modules, which are combined with VegaPrime to further improve the efficiency and applicability of application development.

Main features of VegaPrime

Single source code

No matter what hardware platform you use (Windows, Linux, IRIX) - you only need to develop it once, and it can be used anywhere and in any supported operating environment. (note: individual modules only support Windows platforms)

GUI (user graphical interface) configuration tool

Lynx Prime is an extensible, cross-platform GUI configuration tool that provides maximum flexibility with a standard xml-based data interchange format, greatly enhancing the rapid creation, modification, and configuration of VegaPrime applications.


Vega Prime is highly customizable, making it easy for users to develop applications that suit their specific purpose. You can develop your own modules, combine your own code and derive custom classes to optimize your application.

Superior efficiency

VegaPrime perfectly extracts the general simulation application functions, so that users only need to pay attention to their specific application functions (different from others), thus greatly improving the production efficiency.

Support MetaFlight

MetaFlight is MPI's xml-based data description format. It enables the running system and database applications to understand the database organization structure, greatly improving the application scope of OpenFlight file (simulation 3d file format standard). LADBM (large area database management) module in VegaPrime USES MetaFlight to ensure that massive data are connected in the most efficient and advanced way.


VegaPrime also has many features that make it the most advanced commercial real-time 3d application development environment today. Texture (including Virtual Virtual Texture) asynchronous database support, automatic loading/update vector processing, enhance the intersection of hysteresis control, directly from the Lynx Prime code, directly support points, support PBuffer, based on the voice of the OpenAL function, scalable file loading mechanism, flat/round the earth coordinate system support, the effects of ephemeris model/environment, various movement modes, path and the pilot, plane, Texture compression support real-time shadows, Shader support, guide tool and so on.

Minimum system requirements


Windows workstation, 1.0 GHz

1 GB RAM / 4 GB hard disk space

H:OpenGL 1.2 compliant graphics card

Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 2

Visual C++ 7.1 (. NET)


Onyx3 IR, Onyx2, Octane2, Fuel (SGI® Onyx4 not supported)

1 GB RAM / 4 GB hard disk space

IRIX 6.5

MIPSpro 7.3.1 c + + compiler


Presagis released the latest 5.0 release of VegaPrime, Lyra and Sensor Products in October 2011.


Presagis released its latest vega prime 2013 in 2013.
