系统仿真软件Synopsys Saber 2012.12 英文版安装包
IIRJ0897Synopsys Saber 2012.12
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0897 98640033736 百度网盘 1G
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系统仿真软件Synopsys Saber 2012.12 英文版安装包


aber仿真软件 - Saber的优势

1) 支持自顶向下的系统设计和由底向上的具体设计验证,可以分析从SOC到大型系统之间的设计;在概念设计阶段支持模块化的方框图设计,详细设计阶段可用具体元器件组成实际系统;
2) 提供了一个功能强大的混合信号仿真器,支持包括模拟电路、数字电路及混合电路,混合技术系统设计;
4)Avant! 获得专利的 Calaveras算法,Calaveras能使模拟和数字两种算法得到最大效率的运行,只有在需要时才交互信息;
10)可以仿真一个实际系统, SABER的仿真原理图里有相应主电路和控制模块。实际电路需要程序控制,SABER中可以将实际系统的控制算法通过mast语言编程完全实现;



Saber analog and mixed-signal simulation software of Synopsys company in the United States a EDA software, known as the world's most advanced system simulation software, is the only system simulation in the field of technology and products, has now become a mixed signal, hybrid technology design and validation tools industry standards, can be used in the electronics, power electronics, mechatronics, mechanical, photoelectric, optics, control hybrid system consisting of different types of system simulation, for complex mixed signal design and validation provides a powerful mixed signal simulator, compatible with analog, digital and control the amount of hybrid simulation, It can solve a series of problems from system development to detailed design verification.
Aber simulation software - Saber's advantages
1) support top-down system design and bottom-up specific design verification, which can analyze the design from SOC to large system; The modular block diagram design is supported in the conceptual design stage, and the actual system can be composed of specific components in the detailed design stage.
2) it provides a powerful mixed signal simulator, including analog circuit, digital circuit and mixed circuit, and mixed technology system design;
3) accurate and effective simulation results can be provided through a single mixed signal simulation kernel;
4) Avant! Obtained the patented Calaveras algorithm, Calaveras can make the simulation and digital algorithm to get the maximum efficiency of the operation, only when needed to exchange information;
5) Saber USES 5 different algorithms to simulate the system in turn. If one algorithm fails, Saber will automatically adopt the next algorithm to balance the simulation accuracy and simulation time to ensure the highest simulation accuracy in the least time.
7) comprehensively control the simulation process through intuitive graphical user interface;
8) can be run in a variety of popular EDA design environment, using a common modeling language, information sharing, to provide support for the standard library;
9) the performance of the system can be tested by analyzing steady-state, time-domain, frequency-domain, statistics, reliability and control;


10) a real system can be simulated. SABER's simulation schematic diagram shows the corresponding main circuit and control module. Actual circuit needs program control, SABER can control the actual system algorithm through mast language programming is fully implemented;