自动无人驾驶仿真TASS International PreScan 8.3.0 Win64软件安装包
IIRJ0895TASS International PreScan 8.3.0 Win64
价      格:¥ 30.00
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IIRJ0895 98640033734 百度网盘 1G
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自动无人驾驶仿真TASS International PreScan 8.3.0 Win64软件安装包

PreScan是一款基于MATLAB仿真平台,主要用于(ADAS)汽车高级驾驶辅助系统和无人自动驾驶系统的仿真模拟,包括多种基于雷达,激光雷达,摄像头,GPS,V2V和V2I车辆/车路通讯技术的智能驾驶应用.PreScan支持多种使用模式,从模型在环(MIL)到实时的软件环(SiL)和硬件在环(HiL)等。PreScan8.3是针对ADAS应用的最佳基于物理学的仿真平台,小编这里带来的是最新版安装包,内含激活文件,可以完美激活PreScan!新版本引入了Data Model API,一个集群解决方案,OpenDrive导入器的改进以及对Matlab新版本的支持。Data Model API为用户提供了可以增强测试自动化功能的新功能。PreScan实验现在可以打包到可在Linux集群系统上运行的Docker容器中。OpenDrive导入器现在支持道路高度信息,附加传感器以及与Vissim插件的集成。PreScan包含综合安全,主动安全,被动安全,自动驾驶,合作驾驶,车辆动力学,易受伤害的驾驶者,认证安全产品,重建交通事故模拟等功能。


自动无人驾驶仿真软件PreScan is a simulation platform based on MATLAB, it is mainly used for senior (ADAS) car driving assistant system and autopilot system simulation, including a variety of based on radar, laser radar, cameras, GPS, V2V and V2I vehicle/road communication technology of the intelligent vehicle driving application. PreScan supports multiple usage patterns, from the model in the loop (MIL) to real-time software loop (SiL) and the hardware in the loop (HiL), etc. PreScan8.3 is the best physics-based simulation platform for ADAS applications, small make up here is the latest version of the installation package, including the activation file, can be perfect to activate PreScan! The new version introduces the Data Model API, a clustering solution, improvements to the OpenDrive importer, and support for the new version of Matlab. The Data Model API provides users with new capabilities to enhance test automation. PreScan experiments can now be packaged into Docker containers that run on Linux cluster systems. The OpenDrive importer now supports road height information, additional sensors, and integration with the Vissim plug-in. PreScan includes integrated safety, active safety, passive safety, autonomous driving, cooperative driving, vehicle dynamics, vulnerable drivers, certified safety products, reconstruction of traffic accident simulation and other functions.
