犀牛模具插件RhinoCAM 2018 v8.0.13 for Rhino6 Win64软件安装包
IRJ0894RhinoCAM 2018 v8.0.13 for Rhino6 X64
价      格:¥ 30.00
产品编号 产品ID 储存地址 容量大小
IIRJ0894 98640033733 百度网盘 1G
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犀牛模具插件RhinoCAM 2018 v8.0.13 for Rhino6 Win64软件安装包

RhinoCAM是一款计算机辅助加工(CAM)插件,用于完全在Rhinoceros 6.0内部运行的CNC。 该插件是针对一般机械师的通用加工程序。RhinoCAM将Rhino的自由造型能力与VisualCAM的传奇加工能力综合起来,为您提供一款无与伦比的自由曲面加工能力的产品。无缝的用户界面,选择窗口和集成RhinoCAM活动播放器,让你感觉就像你在创建刀具路径时使用Rhino一样。 RhinoCAM会随Rhino中的任何几何变化而做出相应的反应。 RhinoCAM包括MILL,TURN,NEST和ART这4个模块,以满足CNC制造流程的各种特定需求。


RhinoCAM is a computer aided processing (CAM) plug-in used to completely Rhinoceros 6.0 running CNC. This plug-in is a general purpose machining procedure for general mechanics. RhinoCAM combines Rhino's free-styling capabilities with VisualCAM's legendary processing capabilities to provide you with an unparalleled RhinoCAM free-surface processing capabilities. The seamless user interface, selection window, and RhinoCAM integrated mobile player make it feel like Rhino when you create a tool path. RhinoCAM responds to any RhinoCAM geometry in Rhino. RhinoCAM includes MILL, TURN, NEST and ART modules to meet the specific needs of CNC manufacturing processes.
