电力系统模拟软件PSCAD 4.6Win64破解版下载
IRJ0889PSCAD 4.6 win64
价      格:¥ 60.00
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IRJ0889 98640033728 百度网盘 1G
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PSCAD USES time domain analysis to solve complete power system and differential equation (including electromagnetism and electromechanical system), the result is not only very accurate. What's more worth mentioning is that it allows users to flexibly build circuit models and conduct simulation analysis in a complete graphical environment. While simulating, users can change the control parameters so as to visually see various measurement results and parameter curves, which greatly facilitates users to improve the fun and efficiency of simulation. PSCAD provides a rich library of components from simple passive components to complex control modules covering models such as motors, FACTS devices, and cable lines. If that's not enough for you, PSCAD allows users to customize a module in a completely new way; The new modules can be assembled from a combination of modules provided in the component library, which is fine if you simply write one in FORTRAIN, but only if it works correctly. Its own example is also very useful for beginners, including a variety of typical research objects, beginners can start from these typical models to develop into the research object they want.