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数据统计办公软件绿色软件统计分析 StatSoft STATISTICA 10.0免费中文版软件下载



针对企业内部大量人员使用环境所设计的企业系统工具,透过内部网络连接以及服务器机器的设置,企业内部的同仁可以轻松地坐在个人作业计算机前面,享受不同程度的数据分析以及图表绘制的工作乐趣;再者,为因应人员的出差洽商模式,STATISTICATM Enterprise提供一项灵活的「使用授权借出」功能,让内部人员可以在离开内部网络环境的情形下,仍保有单机操作的工作乐趣。

Web-Based Analytic Applications :


Data Mining Solution :

从数据库查询到最终输出报告的产出,STATISTICATM Data Mining Solution提供客户,目前市场上最广泛且有效的资料挖掘工具;特别的是,StatSoft Inc.的研究团队除了提供满足如银行产业、保险产业或者电信产业的「基本」数据挖掘工具(Data Miner)之外,STATISTICATM Data Mining Solution更针对制造产业(如半导体产业、光电产业、石化产业、制药产业等)设计了一项工具 – QC Miner,以及针对未结构化(unstructured)的文本信息所设计的工具 – Text Miner。而这一点,正是目前其它竞争对手无法做得到的全面性产品服务。


针对个人或者中小企业客户,STATISTICATM Desktop可以完全满足工作上的数据分析与图表绘制的需求。


针对化学制品、石油化学制品、药物制品以及大型重工设备制造等产业,提供研发(R&D)、质量管制(Quality Control)以及制程监控(Process Monitoring)的使用便利性与有效性。
针对跨国性质的国际性制造企业,提供所谓的担保性(Warranty)分析以及远程监控应用(Remote Monitoring Application)。
针对广泛的制造产业、医疗产业以及商业企业,提供完整且完善的Six Sigma应用。
针对提供财务服务以及保险服务的企业,提供风险分析、客户区隔化以及信用评等(Credit Scoring)解决方案。

STATISTICA provides the most comprehensive array of data analysis, data management, data visualization, and data mining procedures. Its techniques include the widest selection of predictive modeling, clustering, classification, and exploratory techniques in one software platform.

Enterprise:STATISTICA products designed for use by multiple users across a site or an entire organization, including the use of STATISTICA through thin client (Web browser) architectures accessed across a Wide Area Network.

The Enterprise line of STATISTICA products is designed for multi-user, collaborative analytic applications and can be used in any corporate or research environment - anywhere that groups of users perform data analysis on shared datasets or where they can benefit from tools for collaborative work. Examples include monitoring of multiple processes with statistical process control (SPC) and quality control (QC) and building rules-based decision making within the organization with Decisioning Platform. These STATISTICA products contain the same suite of analytic capabilities as the STATISTICA desktop solutions. Those analytic procedures are deployed on a server and are architected for simultaneous use by tens or hundreds of users. STATISTICA provides a Windows client and a Web browser client for full access to STATISTICA capabilities and reports through an industry-standard Web browser.

StatSoft Company Information

StatSoft, Inc. was founded in 1984 and is now one of the largest global providers of analytic software worldwide.
StatSoft is also the largest manufacturer of enterprise-wide quality control and improvement software systems in the world, and the only company capable of supporting its QC products worldwide, with wholly owned subsidiaries in all major markets (StatSoft has 30 full-service offices, on all continents), and its software is available in more than 10 languages.
