Materialise ProPlan CMF 3.0 英文版 64位
RJ0519Materialise ProPlan CMF 3.0
价      格:¥ 500.00
产品编号 产品ID 储存地址 容量大小
RJ0519 39864003259 百度网盘 0.3G
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 Materialise ProPlan CMF是专门为颅颌面外科设计的一款软件,其前身为SurgiCase CMF,ProPlan CMF除拥有三维测量功能外,还具有对手术截骨、骨移位、骨重建、 骨牵引、正颌外科等手术进行模拟等功能。通过该软件,医生可以一步步获取自定义手术引导,这样在进行手术的时候,医生们会更加胸有成竹,因为他们已经在电脑上演练过手术的全过程。

64位软件,支持Vista/Win 7/Win8/Win 10 64位系统




Materialise PROPLAN CMF is a flexible and user-friendly 3D software package for accurate planning of critical clinical decisions on cranio-maxillofacial surgery. Starting from (CB)CT or MRI patient data, you can generate 2D and 3D visualizations of the patient's anatomy  and plan osteotomies. This comprehensive tool for virtual surgical planning also offers step-by-step planning tools for distraction, orthognathics and mandible reconstruction cases. You can even simulate the end result and compare it with the pre-operative situation using the soft tissue simulation and photo mapping tools. It is also possible to incorporate additional input into your plan by combining it with dental cast scans, graft site scans or facial pictures. In addition, the software comes with dedicated wizards for mandible or midface reconstruction, distraction osteogenesis and orthognathic surgery. 
